The month of July began with a camping trip to Okanagan Lake with some friends. I know what you are probably thinking...Jackie camping, and camping pregnant? I, Jackie am proud to let you all know that I had a wonderful time and enjoyed almost every minute of it, including the nightly visits to the washroom...we had the furthest spot from the washrooms of course! The only part that wasn't enjoyable was getting the stomach flu on the last day...but I survived to tell the tale!
This is a Burkinshaw's tradition which we were very excited to enjoy as well. Getting a huge ice-cream cone in Summerland in the middle of the afternoon is just what you need after spending a few hours around the lake. The only tough decision of the day was choosing the ice-cream flavour. That's as hard as life gets when you are camping in the Okanagan! We are looking forward to going again next year!
We enjoyed picking blueberries at Harvie's parents' house this month. They have the best blueberries around! Harvie's mom and Sue helped us pick blueberries and Harvie's dad surprised us when he came out with an ice-cream pail already picked for us as a gift! We should have enough blueberries to last us through the winter.
I also went to visit Harvie in LA for our 5th wedding anniversary in July. It was great to see where he has been spending most of his time lately and to meet some of the people he works with.
I am now 34 weeks pregnant, which is hard to believe! We are certainly enjoying watching and feeling the mini-me kick and be active. We are looking forward to meeting this little one more and more each day. The next six weeks are probably going to be the longest ones, since the baby room is mostly complete. This past Monday I went shopping with my mom for the day in order to be ready "just in case". Sometimes I am not sure who is more excited, my mom or me! My parents have been so generous, already spoiling their grandchild with a stroller and many blankets and clothes. It is such a blessing to have both sets of parents around. We are very thankful for their love and support as they anticipate being grandparents for the first time. Life will change as we know it in about six weeks, but we can hardly wait for the adventure!