Welcome to our bLoG. Here's a sneak peak at the Buitelaars^3.....Harvie, Jackie & Adrianna.

April 1, 2010


Adrianna is now 18 months old. Although she is now considered a toddler, she is still our precious baby. She is doing well, growing and developing with each passing week. She has had some weight gains and recovered her percentile (50% weight, 70% length, 90% head) which makes me feel more at peace when having one of our meal battles. Yes, she is still a picky eater, but it is getting easier. Her number one passtime inside the house is looking at books. Harvie decided to build her a little wall with her big books and she loved it...now I have to build the little wall each time she sees these big books...
She also loves to be active, even inside the house. She can be found climbing the couch, pushing the stroller around, jumping on pillows, playing on the stairs or emptying the cupboard that still are not toddler proof. The latest fascination is playing with the broom.

I am glad that my final paper is handed in. I have my final presentation on April 10th before I can say that I am finished. It's been a long year of trying to read and write when Adrianna naps. To get some writing done, Harvie and my mom pitched in to take Adrianna for part of the day away from the house so I could focus. Not that Adrianna minds, since she loves to visit both sets of grandparents. She even has my mom going down slides with her!

Harvie continues to be incredibly busy with work. It's been a challenging couple of months trying to balance work and family. We treasure the moments we have together, mainly on weekends. Every now and then, he manages to get home before 7:30 just in time to kiss Adrianna good night. And, once in a while, even in time for her bath...

We are thankful for the opportunities that we have with work and study. We try remembering that even though these are challenging at times, that through it we learn and grow. I am looking forward to the end of the month when I no longer have studies in my mind. Harvie will continue to be busy through the summer and fall until construction is completed. But, we also pray that this is just a season for Harvie. For now, we just look forward to the Easter long weekend when we together can remember Jesus' sacrifice and celebrate his everlasting gift for us. Easter blessings to you all!

1 comment:

Nancy Skeels said...

Yes ... hopefully this season passes quickly for both of you. I have a little better picture of just what it's like to function without Daddy around, and it's certainly not always fun. Adri's such a cutie. I love that she's into her big books and loves reading. She'll inherit her love of language and learning from her wonderful Mom!

Mini-Harvie or Mini-Jackie?

Mini or not-so-mini?

Ahead or Behind Schedule?
