Welcome to our bLoG. Here's a sneak peak at the Buitelaars^3.....Harvie, Jackie & Adrianna.

October 16, 2008

And then there were 3

Yes, the long awaited post to the blog :) Of course all you parents will excuse us for taking so long, life definitely picks up pace once a newborn is added into the mix, wow! So, we'll keep the words short and leave lots of room for photos this time around!

Introducing Adrianna Louise.....our precious daughter.....

First 24 hours. The new Abbotsford Hospital rocks (especially the nurses!)

Looking so tiny in her new home.

All we can say is.....thank goodness for family!!

Mommy time.

We couldn't wait to take the four-generation photo!!!

Eeyore, one of her best friends....she just doesn't know it yet!

Time to dress up the baby.

And then there's activity time!

This is the outcome of an awesome baby shower! Thanks to some very generous family and friends, we can open up our own baby store :)

That's all for now....back to sleep.........


Jody said...

Well it's about time ;)

She is a very cute/beautiful/wonderful baby girl.

You are a great mom!!

Sheri said...

Yeah a post!!! She is like a mini-Jackie in those pictures - beautiful like her mom:)
Can't wait to see you again!

Nancy Skeels said...

Soooo fun! Love seeing all the pictures and you guys beaming over her. What a great little family!

Buhler family said...

The pictures are beautiful but they don't come close to the real deal. I loved meeting and holding her. I can't wait to see her again.

Mini-Harvie or Mini-Jackie?

Mini or not-so-mini?

Ahead or Behind Schedule?
